Korean Red Ginseng CHEONG KWAN JANG Extract

#red ginseng red ginseng #Korean red ginseng #Korean Red Ginseng Extract 2 #Korean Red Ginseng Extract #elixir elixir elixir
120.00 Gram
3,025.57 BAHT
Sorry for sold out.


- Korean Red Ginseng Concentrated Extract CHEONG KWAN JANG


- enhance performance

- balance the body

- build muscle

- Nourish the nerves and brain

- Improved digestive system

- Improved metabolism

- Heal the lungs and spleen

- blood balance

- build immunity

- Relieve symptoms of fatigue

- relax the mind

- Removes toxins from the body

- help heal the intestines

- skin rejuvenation anti aging

- Reduces jitters

- Against disease and virus

- Helps recover from illness

- help for athletes

- A longevity herb

- Take 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon each time,

- Use ginseng tea mixed with hot or cold water for adults.

- Reduce the volume by half For children under 15 years

You can order at 

LAZADA-1  only - 3,025.57 Baht ( 120 g )

LAZADA-2 only - 6,101.30 Baht ( 240 g )


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