Telecorsa Enlarged Screen Holder + Mobile Screen Expander ENLARGED-MAGNIFIER-SCREEN-00C-J1
- Product details
- 2-4 times larger image
- Small, portable, foldable, easy, lightweight
- Suitable for those who have eye problems And the elderly
- Wide view for movie viewing And reading online news on the web
- Strong durable material, beautiful image
Phone holder with mobile phone screen extension kit Mobile Phone Screen Magnifier Bracket and Enlarged Stand
Use to help expand the screen Provide 2-4 times bigger images and give a wider view for movie viewing. And reading online news on the web
Helps to be able to see many people It also helps to protect the eyes. It is also suitable for those who have eye problems. And the elderly
Small, portable, foldable, easy and lightweight
375.00 BAHT
Telecorsa Remax F36 Neckband Cooling Fan 3 Levels (Not Specified) Code Portable-Neck-FAN-F36-01B-RI
258.00 BAHT